PLAB1- Important dates & facts for 2022!

PLAB1- Important dates & facts for 2022!
PLAB1- Important dates & facts for 2022!


PLAB1- Important dates & facts for 2022!

Looking forward to starting your PLAB journey in 2022? Here is what you must know:

PLAB1 is the first of the two-step test to qualify for registration with the GMC and practice in the UK thereafter.

PLAB 1 test dates

PLAB1 is conducted four times a year in the UK as well as other locations across the globe. Here are the upcoming ones-

Exam Date Oversease closing date UK closing Date
17 Feb 2022    


Exam date


Overseas closing date


UK closing date


17 February 2022


6 January 2022


3 February 2022


26 May 2022


14 April 2022


12 May 2022


11 August 2022


30 June 2022


28 July 2022


3 November 2022


22 September 2022


20 October 2022


Fee for PLAB1


The fee for PLAB1 from 1 April 2021 is £240


PLAB1 exam pattern


Number of questions- 180


Type of questions- MCQs


Time to complete- 3 hours


Negative marking- No


PLAB1 slot booking


PLAB1 examination slot can be booked by using your GMC online account- all available dates can be accessed, chosen and booked. It is advisable to book much in advance of the date you wish to take the exam so that you can get the choice of place and date.


PLAB1 attempts


The test can be attempted 4 times. On failing to clear on the fourth attempt, the test may be taken again only after the completion of a further 12 month clinical practice or post graduate qualification.


PLAB1 syllabus


PLAB1 exam is set to test the knowledge of international medical graduates to be at par with that of a F2 trainee in the UK. It covers important, common and acute conditions that would generally be seen by these trainees. For further details, the PLAB blueprint available on the GMC website is a useful resource.


PLAB1 results


The PLAB1 results are out usually around 6 weeks after taking the exam.


The expected upcoming result dates:


Exam date


Result date


17 February 2022


31 March 2022 from approximately 9.30 am


26 May 2022


7July 2022 from approximately 9.30 am


11 August 2022


22 September 2022 from approximately 9.30 am


3 November 2022


15 December 2022 from approximately 9.30 am


PLAB1 score


There isn’t a standardised pass mark for PLAB1. The pass score is set for each test using the Angoff method. This makes sure that the level is set at the consistent mark over time and the set score reflects the expected knowledge level of a second year Foundation programme trainee in the UK.


Appealing your result


One can appeal PLAB1 results but GMC does not entertain appeals just because you feel that you have been undermarked. The appeals may be entertained only if:


There was an irregularity in conducting the exam, resulting in an effect on performance.

Some unexpected circumstance arose during the exam, affecting the performance

Such an appeal needs to be made within 10 days of the result and be supported with full explanation and evidence.

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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