How to know if your internship is acceptable for GMC registration?

How to know if your internship is acceptable for GMC registration?
How to know if your internship is acceptable for GMC registration?


How to know if your internship is acceptable for GMC registration?

If you have been reading about the pre-requisites for GMC registration in our blog or the GMC website, you must be aware that you need to furnish evidence of internship completion. As the system of internship in different countries and one’s personal circumstances around it may vary greatly, a common question that bothers many IMGs is- How do I know if my internship is acceptable for GMC registration?

This post aims to answer it and allay your fears.

As per GMC guidelines, there are two acceptable patterns of internship:

1.Having completed a minimum of 12 months continuous practice in the final year of study or immediately following graduation:

  • Out of which at least 3 months must be spent practising medicine and 3 months practising surgery.(if having completed 12-18 months)
  • Out of which at least 6 months must be spent practising medicine and 3 months practising surgery.(if having completed 18 months or longer)
  • In an approved training post(honorary ones not accepted)
  • With regular educational and clinical supervision throughout
  • With continuous, uninterrupted internship rotations

2.Having completed a minimum of 2 years continuous postgraduate medical practice in at least one branch of medicine and one branch of surgery:

  • Undertaken in a public hospital that meets standards for regulation within its jurisdiction and has established supervision, safety and governance systems in place
  • Includes at least 3 months of uninterrupted practice of medicine
  • Includes at least 3 months of uninterrupted practice of surgery
  • Was completed under supervision

Besides this, all internships must satisfy the following criteria:

  • A minimum of 12 months continuous medical practice
  • No absence of more than 20 days in the first year, in addition to annual leave(up to 5 weeks)
  • Any break beyond the first year should not be more than 12 months and be authorised by the employing organisation.

Related FAQs

1.What evidence do I have to submit for internship?

Evidence needs to be in the form of a signed document from the institute you completed internship at, that details all the rotations with their dates and durations.

2.Are clinical attachments counted in internship/experience?

GMC does not take observerships, clerkships or clinical attachments into consideration as internship experience. Only active medical practice with direct patient contact are considered.

3.What if there are breaks in internship?

GMC may consider certain reasons for breaks that go beyond the mentioned periods in cases like:

  • Maternity/paternity leaves
  • Medical training outside of internship
  • Approved research period

This is subject to furnishing of satisfactory evidence as required by GMC.

4.I have not done rotations in medicine and surgery, will my internship be accepted?

Medicine and surgery do not refer to the specific mentions of the same on your internship completion certificate. If you have completed the required period in branches of medicine and surgery, they are acceptable as well.

5.What if my internship is rejected by GMC?

Rejection of internship leads to rejection of registration by GMC. You may apply for F1 or complete requirements of alternate pattern before reapplying.

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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