10 FAQs about PLAB1

10 FAQs about PLAB1
10 FAQs about PLAB1


10 FAQs about PLAB1
The ten most frequently asked questions by those thinking about starting PLAB journey answered!!

1. What is PLAB1?
PLAB1 is the first of the two-stage PLAB assessment that paves way for GMC registration and license to practice in the UK. PLAB1 is a written examination comprising 180 multiple choice questions to be completed within 3 hours. A question follows a clinical scenario description generally faced in F2(second-year foundation programme) in the UK and you must select one of the given 5 choices as the correct one. There is no negative marking for an incorrect answer. It is based on the application of clinical knowledge and thus doesn’t involve questions that test your memory but those that assess how you apply the medical knowledge you possess. Answers are expected to be in consonance with the current best practices in the UK.

2. Can I appear for PLAB1 during MBBS?

Although it may appear lucrative to appear for PLAB1 while in the final year as you remember the subjects well and it sounds time-saving but to appear for PLAB1, you need to have a GMC account that cannot be created without evidence of primary medical qualification. Therefore, you may start preparing for PLAB1 as an undergraduate but won’t be able to sit the exam before graduating.

3. What are the pre-requisites for PLAB1?

Besides possessing the primary medical qualification (PMQ) as discussed, the pre-requisites for PLAB1 are:

  • PMQ should be issued by a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools.
  • Valid IELTS/OET score
  • GMC online account that involves listing:
  1. your PMQ
  2. valid passport number
  3. postal address
  4. email address

4. Do I need to travel to the UK for PLAB1?

No, you don’t need to travel to the UK for PLAB1 although you may if you wish. PLAB1 is conducted four times a year in the UK as well as at various locations all over the world. All these can be accessed once you have created an online GMC account.

5. How long does it take to prepare for PLAB1?

It usually takes around 3 months to prepare for the exam but it is very subjective. One may find 3 months too little while another may find 1 month more than enough. It all depends on how much time you can spend dedicated to studying, how long it has been since you graduated, your professional and personal commitments.

6. What does it cost?

The GMC exam fee is £240. The other expenses may be as per the test centre you select and how you travel to it. 

7. Is PLAB1 difficult to clear?

PLAB1 is not a difficult exam to clear. It involves the application of knowledge gained during MBBS and internship. If you have been attentive in undergraduate classes and have acquired clinical knowledge during internship, you won’t find it difficult. It is a bit different though as you are expected to answer according to UK’s best practices and not your local ones. This requires you to gather information regarding the same and answer accordingly.

8. Do I need to get a high score in PLAB1 for better job prospects?

One needs to score above the set passing marks (decided by GMC) to clear the exam. It does not matter how high above the passing score you get.  A higher score has no bearing on PLAB2 or a job in the NHS.

9. How long is the result valid?

You must pass PLAB2 within 3 years of having cleared PLAB1. 

10. How to prepare for PLAB1?

The best place to begin is the GMC website that provides a blueprint regarding the topics and skills you must gather knowledge in to clear the exam. There are sample questions as well that give you an idea about the format of the examination. Use the blueprint to create a timetable of sorts for you to adhere to. Find a study partner if that is the way you grasp things quickly. If you concentrate better on your own, do it that way. The decision to join an academy/course is up to you. 

The knowledge gained in PLAB1 will come in handy in PLAB2 as well so aim to not keep too long a gap between the two!

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

    Cursus tellus quis magna porta adipiscin

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