What has changed in PLAB2 due to COVID-19?

What has changed in PLAB2 due to COVID-19?
 What has changed in PLAB2 due to COVID-19?

What has changed in PLAB2 due to COVID-19?

Although largely the PLAB2 test remains the same, a few things have changed since the pandemic. The GMC regularly reviews the guidelines and updates them. Thus, it is important for all candidates appearing for the test to make sure they stay up to speed.

Vaccination status evidence
Candidates appearing for PLAB2 from 21st November, 2021 onwards shall have to submit an evidence of vaccination status before appearing for the assessment.

  • The evidence has to be sent in response to an email from GMC asking for the same. Sending it in advance or without being asked for it shall not be entertained.
  • Any candidate unable to provide the evidence due to any reason shall be asked to undertake a rapid lateral flow test prior to the assessment at the test centre.

Arrival at test centre

In order to avoid crowding at the test centres, GMC is allocating different slots and candidates are expected to arrive at the test centre only at the prescribed time. Arriving too early may result in being asked to leave the building for the time period.

Mandatory masking

Candidates are expected to wear a surgical, 3-ply mask at all times while inside the test centre building, even during the examination. They need to take it off very briefly only for I.D check photographs. Between stations, it is mandatory to sanitise hands with the sanitiser gel provided.

Candidate briefing

The candidate briefing done live at the test centre previously is no longer being conducted. Videos explaining the procedure can be found at the GMC website regarding what to expect on the test day. It must be borne in mind that as the videos were filmed prior to the pandemic, some things may vary. They are still largely representative of what goes on and thus it is a good idea to watch them while also keeping the latest guidelines in mind.

Personal lockers

Small lockers are provided to each candidate and all are expected to keep their personal belongings in them and lock them. 

  • There is no access to the locker before the examination ends.
  • The lockers are small, thus it is advisable to only carry small and few items that are truly needed.

Test duration

The test itself is 3 hours long but the entire process may take longer, especially for candidates taking the test at 3 Hardmann Street- the centre there is longer and thus candidates are given 15 seconds more to move from one station to the next. The timing for the test centre at 3 Hardmann Square remains the same.

Rest breaks

As soon as candidates arrive at the rest station, they are expected to enter the room right away. For using the washroom, they must inform the marshall after the reading time for other candidates.


Note: There are no changes to the length of each station, the standard of the test or the way results are declared.

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  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

    Nam cursus tellus quis magna porta adipiscing. Donec et eros leo, non pellentesque arcu. Curabitur vitae mi enim, at vestibulum magna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sit amet sem a urna rutrumeger fringilla. Nam vel enim ipsum, et congue ante.

  • By Anna Smith|25/10/2019

    Cursus tellus quis magna porta adipiscin

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